Murder in the classroom-Murder of innocence?
Hi, Yes, it seems eons ago after the murder of a teacher by her own student in a Chennai school , though it happened only about a month ago. After the initial shock and dismay by the media and the community, the news is behind the curtains as the successive events take place at a greater speed. Why and how is this supposed to take place where we chant 'Maata, Pita, Guru, Daivom' (mother, father, teacher, god) all in one breath? Many successful people(who were able to realize their dreams) owe their prosperity to their teachers who act as guides next to parents. The boy in the scene was reported to be a pampered child who was given pocket money of Rs 100 everyday, consistently poor in academics. The teacher was just doing her duty when she wrote the remarks about the boy to update his parents. Did she imagine in her wildest of dreams that this would be her fate? I read a post somewhere which g...