
Showing posts from December 6, 2020

Back again after a long time

Hi friends,                  I left this space which was lying as a draft waiting for me for 6 months!! At that time, I would have thought to write about something which I obviously don't remember. When I checked the list of posts I published last year, I found that it was 12!! This is only the 3rd one and that too at the fag end of 2020. There was so much diversion for the past few months. For properly typing  an article in my blog, I prefer the desktop. I could not sit in front of desktop for the past few months! This year solely belonged to COVID 19 and it may still be so for some part of the coming year until the COVID vaccine reaches the common people all over the world. During the initial days of total lockdown, our country had negligible cases and there was no community transmission, but lot of fear around! But as the lockdown rules were relaxed slowly to get back the economy and life back to normal, the cases spread but the fear ...

Light of the Lamp: Our Europe trip - Part 1 Amsterdam

Light of the Lamp: Our Europe trip - Part 1 Amsterdam : Dear friends,                      It has been quite a long long time since my last post here. I logged in here and found that I posted th...