
Showing posts from March 18, 2012

My Letters to 'THE HINDU'-Part 2

   I have been writing regularly to 'THE HINDU'- Letters to the Editor column and I feel honored to see some of my opinions published. I hope to continue this new found passion for a long time to come. Here are some of the letters published previously. Not much change     Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 While it was interesting to read about the change in filmmakers’ mindset about how women are portrayed, a lot more needs to be done to portray them more realistically than is done today. What is conspicuously missing in the article is mention of films in langauges other than Hindi, which also make a huge chunk of Indian films. A more comprehensive article would have included talented actresses from the South and from other regions of the country. I hope this will be taken into consideration in future. Deepa Nagaraj, Hyderabad  . Civilian awards      January 27, 2010 When Indians abroad are awarded the Nobel pri...