
Showing posts from February 17, 2019

Yet another year that passed us by...

Dear folks,                           December 30 or 31st, 2018                    Before we turn our heads, another new year is already here making us wonder where and how the days and months passed by so quickly!! As one of my friends was talking to me the other day, if the days pass quickly, then your life is interesting. The lucky people are  those who find happiness in what they are doing, without waiting for others' approval. One can say that they have reached the state of eternal bliss or nirvaana while living amongst others. It is tough to reach that state when you always feel pressured to keep doing something with lot of media exposure which seem to be showing that all others around you are achievers!! At the end of the day, the life that one is given is fully theirs....others cannot own it! So, it is your responsibility and choice as to how you want to li...