
Showing posts from March 29, 2020

Random thoughts during lockdown peroid!

Hi friends,                   As I write this, the entire world or most parts of the world are under lock down of varying periods imposed by Governments to save the humanity from that invisible virus which is now ruling the world! Corona, because it is shaped like a coronet, rules the world right now! Corona is a mystery, corona is invisible, corona is an enemy, corona is fascinating, corona is entertaining ( because we are all glued to the tv and social media absorbing everything about corona), corona is a peacemaker, corona is a leveler, corona is 2020's Olympics' single large player, corona is a killer, corona is for now invincible.                                What started off with flu like and breathlessness symptoms in the province of Wuhan rapidly spread across all parts of the world and most countries of the world are currently in the lockdown to stop...